"The next big frontier in medicine is energy medicine"

-Dr. Mehmet Oz-

What is The Body Code™?

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Our bodies are meant to be in balance, with energy flowing freely to keep us in a state of optimum health. Pain, discomfort, physical and emotional symptoms are our body’s messaging system to communicate that something is wrong or blocked or imbalanced. Our tendency in Western Medicine is to medicate or suppress the symptoms instead of understanding and resolving the root causes.  


The Body Code

It is a whole mind, body and spirit energy healing system developed by holistic chiropractor Dr. Bradley Nelson. It uses techniques from applied kinesiology as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine to tap into the innate wisdom of the body and the power of the subconscious mind; unearthing blockages to understand root causes, so they can be released.

The Body Code identifies and removes blockages in these 6 areas:

  1. Energies – Trapped emotions, internalized traumas and other emotional energies
  2. Systems and Circuitry – The organs, glands, muscles, body systems and the connections between them.
  3. Toxicity – Polluting heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, medical and environmental toxins and more.
  4. Pathogens – Fungal, bacterial, viral, mold and parasitic invaders that create havoc with our cells
  5. Structural – The bones, nerves and connective tissue and their alignment to support function.
  6. Nutrition and Lifestyle – The food we eat, including herbs and nutrients, exercise and personal needs.


Find Out More about The Body Code.

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