Shed Shift Shine: Experience the Healing Power of Body and Emotion Code.

SHED emotional ‘baggage’, old programs and blocks that weigh you down.

SHIFT old energies, patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you.

SHINE as you are intended to in this life: living in flow and alignment with your dreams and highest purpose.

Contact me today to experience the transformative power of The Emotion Code and The Body Code .

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How can a session help me?

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Reduce Pain

Release trapped emotions, find relief from physical and emotional pain

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Improve Mental Health

Release limiting beliefs, increase emotional balance and well-being.

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Develop greater self-awareness, make more conscious choices in life.

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Improve Relationships

Release emotional blocks inviting more compassion and ease in relationships

Symptoms I can help you overcome

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Chronic pain or discomfort in the body that has not responded to traditional medical treatments

Emotional trauma or past experiences that are affecting current emotional and mental health

Feeling disconnected or out of touch with one's own emotions and inner guidance

Digestive issues or other physical symptoms without a clear medical explanation

Chronic illness or conditions that are not improving with traditional treatments

Difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships

Issues with self-esteem or self-worth

Addictions or compulsive behaviors

Difficulty managing stress or anxiety

Feeling stuck or unmotivated in life

Chronic fatigue or low energy levels

Difficulty dealing with grief or loss

Feeling overwhelmed or burned out

How does a session work?


The session begins with a check in about what blocks, pain, issues are coming up that you would like to heal.

Let the body talk:

I then use quantum energy healing and applied kinesiology to tap into the subconscious (your body’s supercomputer that knows exactly why, when and how things became blocked).

Clear and feel lighter:

Once we understand the blocks and bring them to consciousness, we clear them from the body, helping the body to release the pain and return to balance.

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What are the benefits?

Increased self-awareness

Improved emotional balance

Greater mental clarity and focus

Improved relationships with others

Improved sleep quality and patterns

Improved physical health and vitality

Release of emotional and physical pain

Greater sense of inner peace and calm

Increased ability to make conscious choices

Increased ability to handle stress and adversity

Enhanced intuition and inner guidance

Greater sense of purpose and direction

Greater sense of joy and fulfillment in life

Increased self-confidence and self-esteem

Improved energy flow throughout the body

Improved ability to manifest desired outcomes

Greater spiritual connection and understanding

Release of traumas and past negative experiences

Improved immune function and overall physical health.

Release of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns

Experience the power of

Emotion Code/Body Code healing.

Schedule your healing session now.

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Who am I?

Nathalie Vachon is a Certified Emotion Code/Body Code Practitioner and a deeply intuitive Healer. Using a simple and gentle energy healing technique, Nathalie is able to tap into the subconscious to identify and release trapped emotions and energy blockages. This allows people to understand what the root causes are of various physical or emotional symptoms and allows the body to go back into balance and do what it is meant to do: heal.

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What clients are saying

Frequently asked questions

What is The Body and Emotion Code?

The Body /Emotion Code is a holistic approach to wellness that involves identifying and releasing trapped emotions and energetic imbalances in the body to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being

How many sessions are typically required?

The number of sessions required can vary based on individual needs and circumstances. Some people have found symptoms resolve after just one session, while others may require a few sessions. Some clients love this modality so much that they use it regularly to tune into and clear emotional blocks or limiting behaviours to feel lighter and more in alignment with their dreams and passions.

How do you identify trapped emotions?

I use muscle testing / applied kinesiology to identify trapped emotions in the body. This involves asking yes or no questions and measuring the body’s response to determine whether a particular emotion is trapped or not.

Is Body and Emotion Code suitable for everyone?

The Body and Emotion Code can be suitable for most people, regardless of age or background. However, it may not be appropriate for those with severe mental health conditions or certain physical health concerns.

Is Body and Emotion Code work a form of energy healing?

Yes, The Body and Emotion Code is a form of energy healing that involves identifying and releasing trapped emotions and energy imbalances in the body.

Can The Body and Emotion Code be done remotely?

Yes, The Body and Emotion Code can be done remotely via phone, video call or even email. Since everything is energy, I can use energy healing to tune into another person's body's frequency and subconscious mind to pinpoint stressors, energetic or emotional blocks. I act as 'proxy' for the person I am working with (only with their permission and for the duration of the session). I then use muscle testing (on myself but for them) to identify and release trapped emotions/blockages without being in the same physical location as the client.

What kind of results can I expect from the session?

Results can vary depending on the individual's circumstances and needs, but many people report feeling lighter, more emotionally balanced, experiencing relief from physical and emotional pain, and developing a greater sense of self-awareness and empowerment.

Is there any preparation required before a session?

There is no specific preparation required, but it is recommended to approach the session with a goal or question in mind. For example: what is causing my back pain, what can I release around self-sabotage, do I have a wall around my heart?

Is it compatible with other forms of healing or therapy?

Yes, The Body and Emotion Code can be used in conjunction with other forms of healing or therapy to enhance overall well-being

Can The Body and Emotion Code be used for specific issues?

Yes, The Body and Emotion Code can be used to address specific emotional or physical issues, such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, and relationship problems.